Speaking Opportunities

Andy is passionate about sharing his message about how retirement can be filled with significance and purpose. Over the past three decades, he has spoken to both large and small audiences. If you would like him to speak to your group, please fill out the contact form below.


Industry Conferences and Meetings
Rotary/Service Clubs
Day/Weekend Corporate or Religious Retreats
Bible Studies
Book Clubs

Speaking Time

Typically, Andy will speak between 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. However, many topics can be expanded or condensed according to your group’s needs. Just let us know what you are looking for and we will do our best to make it happen!


Retirement Dangers that Money Can’t Fix

The financial industry tells us that as long as we save enough money, we’ll have a great retirement. I want to share some of the biggest dangers that will catch you off guard and they have nothing to do with money.

  1. The Decline Curve: Don’t Head Down this Path
  2. The Loaded Backpack: You Don’t Have to Take it With You
  3. The Habit Hole: How to Avoid Falling Into It
  4. The Inigo Montoya Question: Now What?
  5. The Relationship Reset: How You Relate to Your Spouse, Friends, and Family Won’t Be the Same

Key Principles: Habits, Significance, Wisdom, Relationships
Duration: 20-30 min each


Retirement on Mars is Not the Same as Retirement on Venus

As the book title Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus implies, we come from two totally different planets. How we plan for and what we expect from our retirement years varies just as wildly. I’ll share my insight from more than 35 years of walking through the journey to retirement with my financial planning clients.
Key Principles: Gender Factor
Duration: 45 min–1 hour


Reading the Map While Driving is Hazardous to Your Retirement

It’s hard to be on the road to your destination while holding the map up to your face at the same time in order to determine which left or right turn to make, for many obvious reasons. In retirement, you are bound to face similar dangers. You know where you might want to go but you haven’t thought about exactly how you want to get there. This lack of planning will likely have you making wrong turns along the way, wasting valuable time that you would much rather spend at your destination. Retirement is an unfamiliar road and I want to show you the important benefits of studying the map before you start your journey instead of while you are in the middle of it.
Key Principles: Time Lost/Wasted, Planning
Duration: 45 min–1 hour

These are just a few examples of Andy’s speaking topics. Complete the contact form to request additional information about topics, fees, and travel.

Let’s talk about having Andy speak at your event!